Strangely surreal, I have been examining my life, too. I was bought up as a Christian who believed in the belief that any sins or wrongs I committed, would be forgiven, somehow, this didn’t sit well ell with me, I had read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance and years earlier had started on my philosophical journey, so I realised adopted a Buddhist philosophy, realised the buck stopped with me. Unfortunately, I regressed and blamed others for my failures, my parents because they had no parenting skills, my siblings who I never liked, which was reciprocated in droves. I thought about my life and realised that it was me be a real “shit”, I didn’t appreciate my parents telling me I was dumb, refused to study, refused to comply. It was only much later in my life life I met a University lecturer who believed in me that I really began to believe in me. Then I watched How far Down the Rabbit Hole, and realised that most of my beliefs were wrong, then I began to really examine my life and now hopefully, am slightly at peace with myself!

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I think we can hold people accountable for the way that they treated us and perhaps the mistakes they’ve made, but at the end of the day, it’s all you

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