I don’t even know how to feel anymore.
I was born an eternal optimist, an “Everything works out” kinda gal.
But, honestly, I just don’t know anymore.
Shit is dark and it’s going to get darker.
And the heart that was once filled with hope feels like a stank cavern, dripping with nothing but mold.
Not only am I fighting with a predatory landlord on my own, in a system that caters mostly to the corporations, people all over the world are fighting for their survival…
And I don’t understand why.
We have enough to take care of everyone and yet barely 1% have control it.
I’m tired of seeing the images of Oprah handing out pillows, how did we get to a place where she has almost all the pillows?
I know there have been countless books and essays written about how greed has overtaken mans once love filled heart.
Books written about written about humanities dance with the dark and the light.
Late stage capitalism and the “big shift”.
This type of utter disdain for our fellow humans our planet in the name of profit was never sustainable… and those in power have known this for a very long time.
Even those not in power knew…
I just didn’t expect to break my spirit like it is.
Many years ago, before Epigenetics and Ancestral Trauma were the buzz words of the New Thought Movement, my father did a study for the US government on the generational impacts of welfare. (Ok there’s a lot to unpack in terms of who did this study and their why’s… ”both sides” most likely had nefarious notions about what they would do with that information.)
The study found that it would take 3 generations for any sort of meaningful welfare to move from being perceived as “gift” to an entitlement, something people expected. It would, they said, become a part of our expectations and our DNA would change, future generations behavior would change, we might become “lazy” and too dependent on the government. Now depending on who you were, this was either a good thing, or a bad thing.
3 generations for a belief to become part of our DNA. Something other studies have come to realize as well. The impact of the Potato Famine on dependents which resulted in a greater possibility of diabetes and mental illness, or the Holocaust study which found decedents had a greater risk of depression and anxiety.
And one other study I found striking. Sometime during the early 70’s the language of music and then our news and media began to shift from love and light to a dark, scary, depressing mix of us and them. More cops shows, more sad, angry music we moved from the summer of love to raging against the machine…and maybe rightly so.
Hmmm 3 generations…
And here we are…
The shift in tone, language has had it’s effect, we are the most depressed, chemically dependent, in debt and least self reliant generations ever.
As I look around all I see are people living in fear, of each other. The “Theys” have successfully starved us, dumbed us down and convinced us through every means possible that the enemy is not ”them” but us. That there isn’t enough and I am taking it from you or vice versa.
I am reminded of so many quotes from “The Art of War” by Sun Tzu – a book given to me by my father when I was eight. In short, to conquer you must confuse your enemy, play with their minds, their minds are weak, make them dependent, but just enough..convince them there is hope…
And just when they think they’ve figured it out, blow something up.
So here I am, having been a fighter my whole life, exhausted and battle worn. I’m wondering if anything I do will matter.
I used to believe I had some say in all of this. That some how my contribution mattered. And maybe it does on a very small, quark like scale. We are just a tiny piece of consciousness having an experience after all.
A couple of weeks ago the Government finally admitted that they had evidence Aliens and no one really cared. We were all like…duh…
Maybe we are just another experiment, like the rats in all those studies and maybe this study is coming to a close.
Do you remember that episode of The Twilight Zone, The Monsters are Due on Maple Street.?
Well Earth is Maple Street and the Aliens… well… I think they’ve been here all along.
I have to say a lot of the time I do agree with what you written. And living in LA has not helped. I've been here since 83 and I am definitely ready to leave but financially not ready. But then the questions begin: Where do I go to avoid most of this disastrous path? Am I fully capable of making a big move somewhere across the globe at 68 yo? Because the states that I like don't have politics that I like. And I definitely don't like nor am I used to extreme ranges of temperature. I could move back to my hometown and buy a four bedroom house for $170,000 and a better area than I grew up in but I don't really want to live there. There's a lot to think about and not a lot of answers.